1. Make a To Do List

Admin staff every day must have work to do. And preferably every morning or before actually starting work, need to make a list of activities or to-do list that will be done that day.

This will make it easier for an Admin Staff to complete their work. And to organize if a job comes in suddenly, it happens a lot.

Later, from this activity list, it can also be used to check before going home, whether all of today’s work has been completed or not. If it turns out that the next day there is an agenda or work that needs to be done, it’s also a good idea to make a list of activities before going home and then put it on your desk. So that the next morning you can remember what needs to be done that day.

  1. Must be able to operate the application effectively

An admin staff is indeed required to be able to operate computers and office applications such as Word, Excel, Publisher, etc. It’s a mandatory standard.

Now in this era, of course the admin staff can not only operate it. But also must be able to operate effectively. One way is to understand the working system of existing applications.

For example, now is the era of cloud computing, data needs are not only for one computer or user, it is necessary to have applications that can be accessed by many people. The use of cloud applications such as Google Docs is very helpful rather than having to create documents offline and then send them to email or send via flash.

So admin staff need to keep learning things like this if you want to be a successful admin staff.

  1. Time Efficiency

Even though the admin staff’s job looks easy and many people like to do it, sometimes they seem so busy that they lose track of time. Well, an admin staff also needs to be able to manage time well.

Time efficiency here is very important. Must be able to take advantage of the time when to complete work, when to make room for rest.

Many admin staff feel that their work is piling up because they can’t manage time properly.

  1. Create Work Priority Scale

In addition to the problem of managing time, what needs to be considered again is prioritizing work. So if you have a lot of work, you must be able to prioritize which ones to do first and which ones come later.

New jobs that come sometimes can’t be done later, and vice versa. See the urgency and necessity of the job.

If you can arrange work priorities, the work rhythm will be good.

  1. Pay Attention to Your Health

The admin staff job is solid but easy to do. Sometimes because you are too busy you can’t take care of yourself. For this reason, it is necessary for an admin staff to be able to maintain their health.

Especially if he works in a small-scale company where the position of the admin staff is alone and takes care of the company’s needs, if he doesn’t come to work it is very disturbing.

This has to do with time management, work priorities, because that will also have an effect.

Take care of your health so you can stay fit at work and of course you can concentrate on completing administrative work.

  1. Maintain Good Relationships With Coworkers

The Admin staff also has a lot of contact with colleagues in other job positions. For this reason, being an admin staff must have good communication and must be able to maintain good relationships between co-workers.

In addition to co-workers, you must also be able to maintain good relations with company clients.

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